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Hy-Tek Online Training

2021 Hy Tek Training Class Full Video

Team Manager 5.0 - Table of Contents
Lesson 1
Setting up your team's database
Lesson 2
Setting up your team information
Lesson 3
Thriva and Adding your swimmers
  1. Team Manager Overview
  2. Opening a TM Database
  3. Backup and Restore a Database
  4. Age Up Athletes
  5. Aging Up Athletes and System Preferences
  1. Team Setup
  1. Backup and Restore a Database
  2. Inactive Swimmers
  3. Importing Your Roster from Thriva
  4. Athlete Information and Editing
Lesson 4
Setting up your meets
Lesson 5
Adding or Editing Events
Lesson 6 
Completing Your Meet Entries
  1. Setting Up Meets
  1. Importing Events
  1. Pre Entering Swimmers for a Meet
  2. Entering Swimmers Into the Meet
  3. Exhibition Swimmers
  4. Meet Entries Worksheet Spreadsheet
Lesson 7
Printing Meet Entries Reports
Lesson 8
Lineup Exchange and Export
Lesson 9 
Post Meet - Importing and Printing Results
  1. Meet Entry Reports
  1. Lineup Exchange
  2. Lineup Exchange 2
  3. Exporting Entries and Rosters
  1. Importing Meet Results
  2. Meet Results Report
Lesson 10
Bells and Whistles
  1. Top Times Report
  2. Top Times Spreadsheet
  3. Team Records

  • Meet Manager 3.0- Table of Contents
    Lesson 1
    Dual Meet Setup
    Lesson 2
    Athlete/Relay Preferences
    Lesson 3
    Report Preferences
    1. Meet Manager Overview
    2. Opening a Database
    3. Backup and Restore
    4. Setting Up Meet and Loading Backups
    5. Download Meet Template
    6. Meet Setup Screen Changing Meet Info
    7. Changing Pool Length
    8. Changing Number of Lanes
    9. Save As Changing Meet Setup
    1. Athlete Preferences
    1. Report Preferences and Setup
    Lesson 4
    Entry/Scoring Preferences
    Lesson 5
    Event Setup (importing)
    Lesson 6
    Importing Meet Entries
    1. Scoring and Award Limits
    2. Scoring Setup and Problems
    1. Event Setup
    2. Records
    1. Importing Entries
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    Lesson 9
    Entering Your Swimmers or Adjusting Your Entries Once They have been Imported
    1. Team Information
    1. Athlete Information and Editing
    1. Entry Adjustment or Additions
    Lesson 10
    Relays (if possible have coach do entries in TM and Import those)
    Lesson 11
    Entering the other team's entries
    Lesson 12
    Meet Reports to Operate the Meet
    1. Relay Changes Order or People
    1. Importing Entries
    2. Importing Rosters
    3. Meet Consolidation
    4. Exceptions Reports Checking Each Others Entries
    5. Exhibition Swimmers
    6. 5 Lane Meets and Exhibition Swimmers
    7. Substitutions
    8. Meet Reports After Substitutions
    1. Meet Reports
    2. Entry List
    3. Meet Program
    4. Lane Timer Sheets
    5. UK Judges Placing Form
    6. Reports to Complete After Substitutions
    Lesson 13
    Backing the Meet up
    Lesson 14
    Working at the Meet
    Lesson 15
    When the meet is done
    1. Backup and Restore
    1. Run Screen
    2. Working at the Meet and Inputting Times
    3. Inputting Results
    4. Judges Decision
    5. Individual Event Result Report
    6. Ribbon Labels
    7. Award Labels With 2 Printers
    1. Post Meet Reports and Files
    Lesson 16
    Backup and Restore (loading a template meet)
    Lesson 17
    Other Issues
    1. Backup and Restore
    2. Setting Up Meet and Loading Backups
    3. Download Meet Template
    1. Converting Reports to Other Formats
    2. Timing Equipment Interface and Setup
    Text Area
    Simple formatted text
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