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Meet Manager Info

Updating Your Software - Teams should update their Meet Manager and Team Manager software now. This can be done for FREE by Clicking on the “Check for Updates” Button on the top of the menu when in the program. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet. Make sure your software is upgraded to the most recent versions to receive full technical support and product replacement from Hy Tek. The most recent version of Meet Manager is 7.0 and for Team Manager it is 8.0.  Hy Tek's website can be found at https://hytek.active.com/

2021 Hy Tek Training Class - A full video of the 2021 Hy Tek Training can be viewed at 2021 Hy Tek Training Class Full Video

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ASA Meet Manager Template Files for Setting Up Meet Databases for Weekly Meets

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ASA 2021 Waiver and Concussion Awareness Info

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