
    ASA Championship - Parking Alternatives

    ASA Championship Parking - Alternative Locations

    June 29, 2023


    I guess carpooling is not in vogue anymore. Several sessions are either close to or at sold out for prepaid parking in the W10 lots. There are two good alternative locations though close to the CRC. The W02 lot at 355 Ferst Drive and the W23 lot at 953 State St. Both lots are pay at the gate, so plan accordingly, you cannot buy those passes online.

    Please don’t park anywhere else, unless you want your car ticketed, booted or towed. Due to construction around campus please try to carpool to alleviate congestion. Teams, please be advised that barring a miracle, traffic is still bad in Atlanta. Please advise your swimmers and families to build in a little extra time to account for any delays.

    Please be sure to share these details with your swimmers, coaches and any parents you are bringing to the meet as volunteers or credentialed team helpers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


    Franke Marsden

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