ASA Championship Session 3,4,5 and 6 Heat Sheets and Entry Lists
ASA Championship Session 5 and 6 Heat Sheets and Entry Lists
June 26, 2024
The big meet is here. I want to wish everyone good luck and look forward to some fast swimming. Hopefully it won't rain inside. I am attaching the entry list AND heat sheet for sessions 3, 4 (Thursday's Meets), 5 and 6 (Friday's Meets), including heat and lane assignments. Click on the following link to access the documents ASA Championship Landing Page . Also if you have to change your relays and want to get a jump on doing so please use the relay change form at this link Relay Change Form. You can write them up and bring them to the meet to the timing room as soon as you arrive. Please do NOT e mail them to me, my inbox is already bursting and I don't want to miss any of them. There will be some copies of these in your team pack as well.
Once entries are in, the meet will be moved into Hy Tek to interface with the scoreboard and timing equipment at Georgia Tech. While the meet may appear in Meet Maestro DO NOT USE THAT FOR HEAT SHEETS, ENTRY LISTS OR OTHER MEET REPORTS IT WILL BE WRONG. Because of this the meet will not be listed in your Swimtopia Mobile Ap, it will however be posted in Hy Tek's Meet Mobile, which most people still have access to. We will e mail entry lists and heat sheets to teams several days before their session. YOU MUST USE THE VERSIONS OF THE MEET REPORTS (HEAT SHEETS AND ENTRY LISTS) FOR YOUR TEAM IF YOU DO NOT IT WILL BE CHAOS FOR YOUR TEAM
I will follow suit for the other sessions likely the 36-48 hours before your session. Print as many as you need, we will provide a ZERO copies for teams in your team packs, there will not be any for sale at the meet either. They will be available on Meet Mobile (not Meet Maestro's Mobile ap).
Use the entry lists for checking in your teams and making sure all of them are accounted for at departure, you can also use them mainly for the benefit of marking your kids arms for heat and lane prior to your meet.
For full reminders about traffic flow in the venue, parking, warmup and worker assignments as well as team seating be sure to visit
See you soon,